Northern Inuit Society Committee

The NIS Committee is appointed from NIS Members and its role is to govern the running of the NIS and represent its Members. Positions available on the NIS Committee are advertised to current Members and in the event more than one person applies for a position, the Members will vote on the appointment.

The NIS Committee has 4 main sub-groups; Office (who deal with the administration of the NIS), Breed Committee (who deal with the breeding of NI’s and approval of NI’s into the NIS breeding programme), Rescue (who oversee NIS Rescue for NIs in need of rehoming) and Show Committee (who arrange and oversee NIS Shows).

The current UK NIS Committee (for American & Ireland please see bottom of page) consists of the following:

Chairperson (Russ Kelham) – the Chairperson’s role is to oversee the running of the Committee and its sub-groups and to ensure that the NIS Constitution and Codes of Ethics are adhered to. The Chairperson has the deciding vote in the event the Committee are tied on making a decision. Russ can be contacted on

Vice Chairperson (Amanda Taylor) – the Vice Chairperson assists the Chairperson and steps into the position of Chairperson when the Chairperson is not available. Amanda can be contacted on

Secretary ( Barbara Banner) – the Secretary assists with the administration and communications of the NIS and maintains the records of the NIS. Barbara can be contacted on

Treasurer (Claudeen Brown) – the Treasurer keeps and maintains the accounts of the NIS in line with the NIS Constitution. Claudeen can be contacted on

Registrations Officer (Jackie Davidson) – the Registrations Officer maintains the pedigree database, arranges the registrations of litters, checks and holds the health test results of breeding dogs and issues breeder affixes. Jackie can be contacted on

Breed Adviser (Julie Kelham) – the Breed Advisor’s role is to provide support and advice to breeders and potential breeders on breeding NIs. With the assistance from the Breed Committee she also considers whether dogs are suitable to be bred from in line with the requirements of the NIS Breeders Code of Ethics and Breed Standard. Julie can be contacted on

Health Co-Ordinator (Barbara Banner) – the Health Co-Ordinator helps to collate any health issues which affect the breed. This includes collating information from breeders and Members and monitoring any complications which arise. Contact Barbara on

 Rescue Co-Ordinator  – the Rescue Co-Ordinator co-ordinates and provide advice upon fostering and re-homing. This includes vetting potential fosters/adopters and supporting owners, fosters and adopters through the re-homing process. Rescue can be contacted on

Show Officers (Sean Colluney) – the Show Officers, along with the Show Committee, is responsible for organising NIS Shows, collating results and points and determining on this basis the awards to be issued at the end of the show season. Sean can be contacted on

Membership Officer (Jackie Davidson) – the Membership Officer is responsible for the registration and renewal of registrations of NIS Members. This role includes providing updates to the Members on the NIS and maintaining the Membership Database. Jackie can be contacted on

Merchandise and Show Officer (Susan Watson) – the Merchandise Officer is responsible for ordering and developing the merchandise the NIS offers for sale both at shows and online, as well as assisting with obtaining sponsorship for NIS Shows. Susan can be contacted on

American & Canadian Representatives are Gwen Lambert Weatherby and Ashleigh Powell, email them on

Ireland Representative is Angela Larkin, email her on


Northern Inuit Society Constituition